Dogville, movie and criticism / Dogville, filme e crítica




Dogville is a movie to which most people reacted passionately, whether in favor or against it. This dissertation approaches two aspects of this phenomenon. First, it provides a reading of the film that focuses on its contradictory principle. It is not only about the fact that some of it resorts to classic realism whereas some other aspects question this illusionism by deriving from a Brechtian inspiration. It is about understanding how this very contradiction is the heart and soul of the movie and how it is this that produces its content. Then, a reading of reviews published in wide circulation papers attempts to identify how these texts either address or ignore this contradiction, as well as the pre-conceptions that allow them to do so and that determine the analyses they produce.


cinema; crítica cultural; ideologia; marxismo; meios de comunicação cultural criticism; ideology; marxism; mass media; movie

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