DoenÃa celÃaca como causa de baixa estatura em crianÃas e adolescentes
Ana Carla Lins Neves Gueiros
Objective: Masters dissertation presented in the form of a review and original article with the objective of knowing the positive frequency of serological markers of the Celiac Disease in children and adolescents with short stature. Methods: A review of short stature was made as clinical presentation of the celiac disease. A bibliographical survey of literature dated from 1980-2004 was made using a virtual library in health, BIREME, and the databases Medline, Lilacs, and Scielo. Concomitantly, a cross study was carried out to search for the frequency of seropositivity (using human anti-transglutaminase antibody) for Celiac Disease in children and adolescents with short stature monitored by General Pediatrics Clinic of Instituto Materno Infantil Professor Fernando Figueira (IMIP) and Hospital of the Clinics (Univ Fed de Pernambuco). Results: The literature review, shows the causes of compromised linear growth in the carriers of Celiac Disease, indeed, short stature is the only clinical manifestation of the illness. In a cross study, 78 children and adolescents with short stature were evaluated and found to have a seropositive frequency of 3.8% for Celiac Disease. Conclusions: In the review article, it is observed that short stature without the presence of gastrointestinal symptoms is a form of clinical presentation of Celiac Disease, the result of modifications in the GH-IGF-1-IGFBPs axis and osteometabolism influencing growth and bone mineralization. The observed seropositivity for Celiac Disease in the research is similar to the prevalence in other places. Routine screening for human anti-transglutaminase in all children and adolescents with idiopathic short stature is advised
doenÃa celÃaca crianÃa baixa estatura pediatria
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