Documental analysis of qualification process of new educators for the project "Our Children: Windows of Opportunities" at Sao Paulo city in light of health promotion / Análise documental do processo de capacitação dos multiplicadores do projeto "Nossas Crianças: Janelas de Oportunidades" no município de São Paulo à luz da promoção da saúde




Health Promotion represents a new pattern in health services organization and in the caring structure of health-disease process by recognizing and intervening in the existing potentialities of living and working styles in a particular historical and social moment. For such, one of the challenges for the Brazilian Health System consolidation refers to capability of work force in health in order to review the use of traditional pedagogy in educative processes and to contribute to biomedical model surplus, specially in the primary health services. In this perspective the project "Our Children: Windows of Opportunities", linked to Family Health Program, performed capability workshops which have extrapolated the attention to biological body, including also the emotional and social dimension of children care through strengthening of domestic capability. The objectives of this study were: to analyze the content, the strategies and capability evaluation methods in light of Health Promotion and to identify pedagogical tendencies which permeate such process. The documental analysis of this process was retrieved, which different records were classified, respectively, starting from Paulo Freire’s perspective and Health and Well-Being Dimensions of Ronald Labonte. Conclusion: the contents of Health Promotion diffused in the capability, have incorporated concepts such as equity, resilience, rights defense, emancipation, autonomy, patrimony, social networks, cooperation and participation in the contact with health professionals for children care through family. The qualification of new educators was based on critical pedagogical lines of thinking and represented by category: autonomy and freedom of people, be fond of students, objective and subjective completion, commitment with changes, permanent education of human being, horizontal power relations, praxis dialogical and critical mediation of reality. It is concluded that, educational processes based on critical pedagogy benefits the incorporation of a new reference for children care in light of positive concept of health and the creation of a friendly space able to emancipate subjects to transform the health-disease profile of population


educação permanente em saúde permanent education in health promoção da saúde health promotion care technologies tecnologias do cuidado educational model modelos educacionais

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