Documentação de atividades de planejamento ambiental centrada em bancos de dados




The environmental planning process is a complex task that covers various aspects, involving a series of steps and is fed by many data sources. Normally, this process demands the cooperation of multidisciplinary teams that discuss many planning alternatives. These alternatives consider, for instance, multiple issues on preservation or recovery of environmental resources. One of the main problems in this process is the incompleteness of associated documentation. As in any cooperative activity, documentation is important for revision, maintenance and evolution of the plan, and for communication among designers. The goal of this dissertation is to partially solve this problem, through the specification and partial implementation of an environment to manage, in a unified way, three kinds of documents: description of the final product - the plan (WHAT documents), description of the process used to obtain the final product (HOW documents) and description of the reasons behind the decisions of planning (WHY documents). These documents were specified so as to allow them to be stored and managed in a database. WHAT documents are represented through hypermedia structures, HOW documents using scientific workfiows, and WHY documents are based in design rationale structures. The main contributions of this research are: (a) database-centered specification and design of the WHY, HOW and WHAT documents; (b) specification of an environment to support management of these documents, thus fostering cooperative work in environmental planning; (c) partial implementation of this environment


sistemas de hipermidia trabalho - aspectos ambientais documentação banco de dados fluxo de trabalho

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