Do tombamento às reabilitações urbanas: um estudo sobre a preservação no centro histórico de São Paulo (1970-2007) / From the protection regulation to the urban rehabilitations: a study about the preservation of São Paulos historic center (1970 -2007)




The present work intends to contribute to the discussion about urban spaces preservation, analyzing São Paulos Historic Center like a Cultural Heritage. It tries to evaluate the proceedings adopted for the urban interventions in the center of the capital paulista, analyzing the most important plans, programs and projects, that was completely or in part executed, since the 1970 decade, developed by the heritage agencies (IPHAN - Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional -, CONDEPHAAT - Conselho de Defesa do Patrimônio Histórico, Artístico, Arqueológico e Turístico do Estado de São Paulo and CONPRESP - Conselho de Defesa do Patrimônio Histórico e Cultural do Município de São Paulo) and also by the Urban Planning agencies, above all SEMPLA - Secretaria Municipal de Planejamento Urbano -, and EMURB - Empresa Municipal de Urbanização. Analyzing the several historic center preservation public policies, just as the actions of the private sector, carried out in Brazil and in abroad, intends to ponder about methodology and nature of the projects that was introduced in São Paulo, the areas of implementation, the financial agents, as well as the interventions purpose, identifying its continuities and discontinuities, in addition to the preservation prominence of the São Paulos Historic Center. In what concerns the public policies, this research intends to verify tensions and dialogs between urban planning agencies and cultural heritage preservation agencies, making a comparison between theirs initiatives, in a perspective of preservation and valorization of urban areas with historic values.


preservação urbana historic center intervenções urbanas patrimônio cultural urban iintervention centro histórico urban conservation cultural heritage

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