Do romance ao teatro : a teatralidade como recurso para a representação na obra de Sérgio Sant Anna : (dissertação em 1 prólogo, 4 atos e 1 epílogo)




Reading the Brazilian contemporary narrative, we might think the ground we are on is more and more slippery. The authors seek to express the troubles in writing throughout texts characterized by less linearity in contrast with tradition and by the mode they ironically play with the narrative elements. A path to understand such production is to discuss, during analysis, the problems related to the aesthetics of representation in literature. Due to such books be so different from the ones published in previous periods, concepts like postmodernity and identity displacements are the keys to explain why such texts are so fragmented, tending to metaliterature. Thus, representation must be reviewed mimesis concept to the current moment which we call the order of the from the Aristotles simulacrum, performance or theatrality, important to interpret the creation of literary texts. The association between narrative and theater results hybrid texts which mix the literary genres aiming to question the representation issues. It consists in an ironical way of structuring narrative elements, turning the book into a field in which the changes suffered by literature and the urge to write a novel struggle. We chose Sérgio SantAnnas novels for the corpus not only due to his importance to the current Brazilian literary field, as for his narratives clearly reflect the theatrality in the discussion of the concept of representation. Influenced by the theatrical methods, the author turns his books space into a place where it is possible to ironically discuss the literary creation and the social issues, for the act of representing aims to elaborate a view over the society. Within SantAnnas vast production three narratives were drawn for the analysis: Simulacros (1975). Um romance de geração (1981) and A tragédia brasileira (1987). We decided for the referred books not only due to the continuous development in the process of theatralization they represent, but because they compound a cycle in SantAnnas writing in a meaningful and disturbed period of Brazilian recent history to understand the position of the artists and the art itself: the military dictatorship (1964- 1985). From an initial step in the theatrical, timidly playing with it, Simulacros turns its characters into social types masks. The concept of simulacrum explains how the narrative ambience transforms the streets into stages in which the everyday actors play its roles. It consists on a laboratory-novel, a first step of the theatrical which will be developed in Um romance de geração and its non-playable one and only act (a dramatic comedy). The novel, still playing with stereotypes, presents a discussion about the position of the intellectual, as well as the range of the influence of the Brazilian political theater. On its turn, A tragédia brasileira does not invest on a simple relation between the dramatic and the narrative, but it shows what SantAnna calls a theater-novel, analyzed by the author-director. The influence of the Brazilian theater is present on an evident relation with the ambience of Nelson Rodrigues tragedies.


representation hibridismo performance hybridity theatrality metaliterature teatralidade metaliteratura representação literatura brasileira performance romance-teatro theater-novel

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