Do Iluminismo ao Cecilianismo: a música mineira para a missa nos séculos XVIII e XIX




The rite of Mass shows the liturgical uniformity developed by the Roman Catholic Church in the course of several centuries. Due to the great dissemination of Catholicism, the Mass ordinary was the most used text in the entire history of music, but the desired uniformity in the liturgical level was never reached in its musical counterpart, even though the Church made many attempts in order to regulate it. The focus of this study is the musical composition of Masses in Minas Gerais (Brazil) in the 18th and 19th centuries, trying to find out common stylistic tendencies, relations between these tendencies and general contemporary European stylistic traits and, finally, if these pieces follow or not liturgical regulations regarding sacred music. The conceptual framework of this research is based on two movements that had great influence on the ideas about liturgy and sacred music of that time: the Enlightenment and the Cecilianism.


liturgia (música) missas (musica) minas gerais séc. xviii-xix canções sacras. musica teses.

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