Do global ao local: percursos teÃricos e conceituais da sustentabilidade




Sustainabilityâs discussion is fertile and controversial. Authors have different opinions about this issue, and it always treated in conjunction with the discussion of sustainable development. Our initial hypothesis is that the explicitness failure about SD, was linked to the difficult to comprehend the term sustainability. After that, we observe that was not possible to understand the sustainability if we canât comprehend the concept of development, that was multidimensional and polisemic. In spite of this wide debate between researches, along the time, the SD political ideas and the idea of sustainability inserted in municipals, states, federals and even international projects, followed the idea of SD proposed in treatise in diverse levels. Words changed in a long time, getting up new dimensions, and modifying the concepts. Sustainability is a signal that has an object and an interpreting, so we must try to understand this word when we understand his triads relation, so we have to apply Peirceâs philosophic semiotic in this research. Thus, we analyses international, national, state and municipals treats, like Earth Charter, Agenda 21 Global, Brazilian and from Pernambuco, not to mention Recife municipals laws linked with environment. Almost always treats used the signal sustainability and SD like synonyms, referring to practices which will lead up to efficient use of natural resources, in purpose to increase the economics growth line. In this treats, growth and development are synonyms, prevailing neoclassic development theory, in capitalist economics system, following and anthropocentric ethic as well as a belief in salvation thought technology. We observed that neoclassical capitalist economic system, predominant hegemonic model, will not be affected, furthermore, socials contradictions will go on, so it is an illusion to think that environmental degradation will diminish. Only the document published by IUCN in 1979, in which the sustainability has only ecological dimension and the SD actions suggested will protect the environment, in addition to Earth Charter, both with weak anthropocentric ethic. The sustainability was showing, not one, but multiple; it can be comprehended by three dimensions: environmental, social and economics. Each dimension has a different impact in local actions in accord to dominant ideology. In Brazil, familiar agriculture and agro-ecological technical development are growing. Put together, they enable the development of these three dimensions of sustainability. However, in many cases, economic sustainability is predominant, in impairment of environmental and social dimensions. In this case, some businessman defends the eco-efficiency and social and environmental responsibility, so they reduce energy and paper worn, and they defend the ecological production of goods, certifying by green stamp and ISO 14000. Others, however, oppose from this predominant ideas, defending a non-capitalistic development. These alternatives need more attention and theoretical sophistication, to gain magnitude and be a good opponent to this capitalistic system


adequacao ambiental environment semiÃtica meio ambiente environmental treats development semiotics desenvolvimento tratados ambientais

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