Do desenho industrial ao design no Brasil: uma bibliografia crítica para a disciplina / From industrial design to design: a critical bibliography to the subject




From industrial design to design - a critical bibliography to the subject presents a bibliographic or anthological character, which has as one of its main goals become a basis point for future related research through the construction of a significant repertoire of information, supported on three basic parameters: articles, exhibitions and guidelines for teaching the subject. Therefore, it is an inventory of theoretical and cultural production, during 50s, 60s and 70s. From this broad panorama, the most significant articles for the construction and definition of the field of knowledge are highlighted and analyzed. It is in the sixties that the historiography on contemporary architecture and design panorama is improved with new and more attentive contributions to consider the importance and the conquers of the modern movement. At the same time, is also possible to identify a crisis of the concept of industrial design. In this same period, the international literature leave behind nomenclatures as industrial design, which was translated as desenho industrial, focused on the design of the product. The English word design will be used with wider meaning, including the complex relationships between production and technological, social, political, psychological aspects that surrounds the final result product. The work tries to understand the process of the construction of the concept of industrial design based in the modernist models and identify, from the sixties and seventies, as this crisis gets in the brazilian scene. The purpose of establish a repertoire of bibliographic references and contribute to the reflection on the meaning of this subject nowadays do not intend to establish a definition for the questions here presented, but just to contribute to the reflection on the topics in this country, highlighting the complexity of the debate, expanding the discussion on the parameters which should support the practice and teaching of the subject in Brazil.


design industrial design design desenho industrial

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