Do desenho à implementação de projetos de desenvolvimento rural sustentável: interfaces e negociações no Projeto Vida na Roça (Paraná)




The thesis# theme focus on an rural sustainable development experience that took place in the Southwest area of Paraná State, a region with one of the highest concentrations of family agriculture farms in Southern Brazil. The object of study is the Project #Vida na Roça# (PVR), implemented between 1996 and 2006, in Jacutinga, a rural district of Francisco Beltrão City. That community, as many others in the region, was going through a series of difficulties related to income generation, economic viability, credit access and absence of policies for family agriculture. Faced with this scenario, the Association for Rural Studies, Orientation and Assistance (ASSESOAR), decided to articulate a network for the implementation of the PVR, involving the local community, university, the municipal administration, among other participants. For such study, based on an interdisciplinary perspective, we centered our attention on the relations of power between the protagonists involved in the rural development projects. From a theoretical point of view, this thesis, aims to contribute to a perspective based on the critic towards reductionistic methods of study that analysis the participants only considering economic aspects or through generalized ideological questions, which interpretations simplify the farmers# decisions. To this end, we propose a dialogue between three theoretical and methodological pproaches: by Karl Mannheim, by Norman Long and by Bruno Latour and Michel Callon. Authors which contributions in their fields of research have been amply evident. We understand that the collection of some theoretical aspects considered by them can be used to shed some light on the question about how the networks of rural development are constituted and transformed. Therefore, one of the main goals of this thesis is to initiate a dialogue leading to solutions to the problematic of the interrelation between farmers and rural development projects# agents. The research revealed the complexity involving the social, political and economic relations of the family agriculture system in Southwest Paraná. The networks established during the eriod of implementation of PVR, points out the heterogeneity of protagonists disputing for hegemony in the country side. In this new scenario the mediation/representation/translation offered by the organizations representing the farmers will be reevaluated.


desenvolvimento rural desenvolvimento sustentável ciencias humanas famílias rurais

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