Do controle das paixões à maestria de si: um estudo acerca das práticas e das representações de moralização na escola pública paulista (1948-1978) / The control of the passions to the mastery of self: a study about practices and representations of moralizing in public school in São Paulo (1948-1978)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work seeks to understand the socio-historical perspective as were configured and deployed practices and representations of moralizing in public school in São Paulo that period comprises the democratization of educational opportunities and that changed the school model that was kept from the Republican era. The term \"morality\" is understood as the moral to be incorporated by individuals. The idea of power about yourself exercised from the interior is especially important for the understanding of practices and representations of moralizing in public school during the period investigated. Besides the diversity in relation to people who moved to the school environment, the social origin of primary teachers has also changed. To govern the people and manage diversity within educational institutions during the expansion of higher education, it was important to take each one to govern itself, which was a necessary element for the existence of the democratization of access to public education. The choice of the year in 1948 as a milestone for the study is due to be the year of initiation of the campaign for defence of public school. This is an important civic movement in the history of Brazilian public school, and which culminated in 1961, with the promulgation of the LDB nº 4.024. The period for this work ends in 1978, when changes in the behaviour of teachers have gained visibility since they joined the strike, even in the military regime, in absentia of the entities that represent, as the Associação dos Professores do Ensino Oficial do Estado de São Paulo (APEOESP) and the Centro do Professorado Paulista (CPP). The fonts you choose, didactic manuals and methodology of teaching, pedagogical magazines and the law of the period, enabled a better understanding of the speeches delivered, the standards and requirements concerning practices and to conduct schools as well as the guidelines given to students and then to teachers about how work should be accomplished teaching to provide training considered \"proper\" students. Throughout the examination of the sources consulted, it was possible to realize that morals were diverse and its justification was given by various speeches, which were the three main axes: psychological, religious and civic. Therefore, the main evidence indicates that for representations about the idea of \"morals\" were transformed into practice in schools, it was necessary to evoke a speech legitimized by the idea of self-governance, God and the nation.


expansão do ensino paulista expansion of teaching in são paulo história da educação história da profissão docente history of education history of the teaching profession practices and representations of moralizing práticas e representações de moralização práticas escolares school practices

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