Do americanismo ao universalismo: as transformações nas relações internacionais do Brasil, de 1902 a 1964




States, in their international relations, must define action strategies, which can bring them closer or move them away from other states. In this sense, a states foreign policy denotes that states position towards a well-defined goal, which leads it to act internationally according to a rationally chosen strategy. The international relations of Brazil between 1902 and 1964 constitute an illustrative case. The Brazilian foreign policy evolved from a model in which the United States had a central role in promoting the countrys development to a universalistic model, initiated with the Política Externa Independente (Brazilian Independent Foreign Policy), which envisaged the strategy towards development not only in terms of Brazils relationship with the United States, but by diversifying the countrys possibilities of action in the international arena. The ideas of the main foreign policymakers, such as Rio Branco, Osvaldo Aranha, San Tiago Dantas, and Araújo Castro, also contributed to the evolution of the Brazilian international relations, acting as a cognitive framework to change the foreign policy paradigm from Americanism to Universalism.


americanismo idéias e crenças international relations united states política externa brasil - relações exteriores - estados unidos ideas, and beliefs universalismo política externa independente foreign policy universalism política internacional relacoes i?internacionais, bilaterais e multilaterais brasil - política e governo brazil estados unidos brasil international politics americanism brasil - relações internacionais brazilian independent foreign policy relações internacionais

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