DIVISÃO DE TECNOLOGIA DE ENSINO DE SERGIPE (DITE): criação, consolidação e contribuição para o uso das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação nas escolas públicas sergipanas (1994 2007). / DIVISION OF EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY SERGIPE (DITE): creation, consolidation and contribution to the use of information technology and communication in the public schools Sergipe (1994 - 2007).


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The changes resulting from the technical and scientific advances have enabled significant changes in different sectors of society. Within education, the 1990s was highlighted by the educational policies that marked the history of Brazilian education, in view of the intense implementation of educational policies for the use of technological resources within the public schools, from changes in the Neoliberal State. To undertake this research, defined as an analysis, interpreting the creation, consolidation, the shares of the Division of Technology Education (DITE) in the dissemination and integration of technologies in education in public schools of the State of Sergipe, with the timeframe the Between 1994 and 2007. The year 1994, being the systematization of March, with greater emphasis on educational policies for the use of technology in education, and by 2007 be the year that the programs and projects involving ICT has been resized, running seamlessly . The research has a theoretical Cultural History, and the categories of analysis pautaram on the concepts of appropriation and representation of Roger Chartier, who helped in the understanding of the relationship between social subjects and their actions within the DITE aimed at deployment and diffusion of ICT at schools. The contributions of Justin Magellan were also consulted, as DITE realizing the educational institution that has produced an official representation which results in the form of reports and monitoring demands required in addition to materialize, represent and take ownership of ideas that were shared with members society. To write the history of the Division of Technology Education resort to sources from the collection of DITE and the Ministry of Education (projects, reports, newsletters, brochures, work proposals, ordinances, contracts, letters sent and received, internal communications and minutes ); testimonials and academic productions that focused on working with ICT in the state and involved the monitoring of DITE. The triangulation of these sources proves the hypothesis of DITE as an educational institution that disseminated information technology and communication in public Sergipe.


divisão de tecnologia de ensino instituição educativa tecnologia da informação e da comunicação políticas educacionais educacao division of technology education educational institution information technology and communication education pplicy

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