Diversidade, diferenciação e biogeografia de pequenos mamíferos não-voadores na Mata Atlântica ao norte do rio São Francisco Centro de Endemismo Pernambuco / Diversity, differentiation and biogeography of non-volant small mammals of the Atlantic Forest north of São Francisco river - Pernambuco Endemism Center


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Brazilian tropical rainforests (Amazon and Atlantic Forest) present high species diversity and are currently separated by a belt of open and dry vegetation. Part of this belt is occupied by the Caatinga, where are found the Brejos de Altitude, evidence of the historical connections between the Atlantic Forest and the Amazon. The Pernambuco Endemism Center (CEPE) is the biogeographic unit of the Atlantic Forest located north of the São Francisco River and contains several endemic taxa. Part of its mammal fauna is shared with the Amazon, due to former connections in the Cenozoic. The presence of the São Francisco river in its southern limit may act as a barrier to gene flow and explain the endemism found in CEPE. In contrast to their peculiar situation, the mammalian fauna from CEPE still lacks detailed studies on its taxonomic composition, geographic patterns and phylogenetic relationships. Recent reviews have identified different species in the north and south of the San Francisco river, but few studies have proposed biogeographical hypotheses for the CEPE. In order to increase knowledge on the identity and geographical distribution of the small mammals in the CEPE and their phylogeographic structure, species surveys were carried out and the genetic and morphometric diversity of some of the species found were assessed. The surveys consisted of visits to scientific collections to identify the species occurring in CEPE and trapping trips, with 5 to 17 consecutive nights, in 12 sites throughout the CEPE, totaling 64,691 trap-nights, resulting in the collection of 476 specimens of 31 species. The specimens were identified based on external and cranial morphology and cytogenetic analysis. To investigate the biogeography of CEPE, genetics, phylogeographic and morphometric analysis were performed with the marsupials Caluromys philander, Didelphis aurita, Marmosa murina, Metachirus nudicaudatus and the rodents Akodon cursor, Oecomys catherinae and Rhipidomys mastacalis to assess the existence of differentiation in CEPE populations and their relationships with the Amazon and Atlantic Forest lineages. These results showed that diversification of small mammals in CEPE occurred in both the Tertiary and Quaternary. Some populations, such as Caluromys philander and Oecomys catherinae showed affinities with amazonian lineages, while others, like Metachirus nudicaudatus and Rhipidomys mastacalis, showed affinities with atlantic lineages. The small mammals from CEPE showed differentiation from their sisters lineages, with some lineages probably being, in fact, undescribed species (eg Didelphis aff. aurita and Rhipidomys aff. mastacalis). This differentiation was probably caused by cyclical events of climate fluctuations that led to sea level rises and retractions of the tropical forests, thus isolating the populations in CEPE. Finally, to help identifying species in future field surveys, their geographic distributions and ecological and cytogenetic features, a guide was prepared by gathering all available information on the species of small mammals from CEPE.


zoologia filogeografia marsupiais roedores nordeste rio são francisco mamífero - distribuição geográfica mamífero - evolução mamífero - morfologia filogeografia phylogeography marsupials rodents northeastern brazil são francisco river

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