Distribution of the P-associated-pilus (pap) region among Escherichia coli from natural sources: evidence for horizontal gene transfer.


Variation in chromosomal DNA in Escherichia coli was studied with probes specific for the P-associated-pilus (pap) region. The presence of DNA homologous to pap was determined by dot blots. Variation in the number of copies of pap and in the organization of internal and flanking sequences was determined by Southern blot hybridization. The 229 strains studied were also classified by O:K:H serotyping and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. There was considerable heterogeneity in the presence of pap and distribution of pap-homologous DNA in these E. coli strains from natural sources. In general, there was less variation in pap among strains of the same specific O:K:H serotype and enzyme electrophoretic type than among random isolates. There were, however, E. coli strains identified as members of the same clone by O:K:H serotyping and enzyme electrophoresis that were pap positive and pap negative or had different Southern blot patterns for the pap probes (pap type). There were also isolates of the same pap type that differed in two of three O:K:H serotype antigens and the majority of enzymes that determined their enzyme electrophoretic type. These latter two observations were interpreted as evidence for the horizontal (infectious) transfer of the pap-homologous sequences among clones of E. coli.

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