Distribuição espacial e temporal de placas de esterco e produtividade da soja em sistema de interação soja-bovinos de corte / Spatial and temporal distribuition of dung and soybean yield in integrated soybean-beef cattle system


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study was conducted at Planalto Médio region, RS, in the experimental protocol of long duration, between July 2010 and April 2011, consisting of two experiments. In Experiment 1 it was realized samples of dung, in intervals of 20 days in each treatment of sward height (10, 20, 30 and 40 cm). Six evaluations were amounted from that period have been marked over the grazing cycle, where all dung did not vary between the treatments. The number of dung per animal per day, the average size and weight of the dung not different among treatments. Thiessen areas were created for the geostatistical analysis of the data to detect the pattern of distribution. The cattle deposited their dung in different places every time, without a pattern of temporal distribution. Considering all samples it was verified the existence of a pattern in spatial distribution of dung in relation to the attractions points, independently of the management of the sward height. In experiment 2, the experimental design was a 2x4 factorial arrangement, with being two treatments of presence of dung (with and without) and four different sward heights. For all variables analyzed, there was no interaction between sward heights and areas with and without dung. In areas with dung the levels of available phosphorus and potassium in the soil, as well as the yield component number of pods per plant were significantly higher, significantly increasing the grain yield of soybean in relation to areas without dung. The presence of animals in the integrated soybean-beef cattle system and consequently their dung increased the availability of nutrients, phosphorus and potassium in these locations. Thus, affected the content of these nutrients in the plant, favoring the development of the number of pods per plant and grain yield of soybean.


no-tillage planta forrageira soja grazing intensity pattern of distribution bovino de corte lavoura geostatistics pecuária thiessen area distribution of nutrients primary components of yield

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