Distribuição e uso de habitat por peixes recifais e sua relação com a complexidade ambiental no arquipélago Fernando de Noronha, Nordeste do Brasil.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Reef environments are amongst the most diverse ecosystems in the world. Many studies attempting to explain the mechanisms which influence reef fish distribution and the factors responsible for high species diversity in these environments were accomplished in the last decades, but much controversy still exists and more information is, therefore, necessary. The present study evaluated the processes related to small-scale patterns of distribution, temporal dynamics and the influence of habitat complexity on an assemblage of reef fish in Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. Spatial variations of microhabitat characteristics were highly significant between two substrate types (consolidated and unconsolidated), but showed small temporal fluctuation. Species fluctuated accordingly to this spatial pattern, but significant temporal fluctuations were observed, particularly due to differences in the abundances of juveniles. Habitat complexity had a major positive influence on species richness and diversity, and to a less extent, in the abundance. The present study provides evidence on how habitat complexity acts as an important determinant of species richness in a continuous area, where geographical barriers are lacking.


peixes fernando de noronha distribuição complexidade atlântico oeste ciencias biologicas distribution complexity fernando de noronha fishes west atlantic

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