Distribuição do tempo de residência e letalidade no processamento térmico contínuo de líquidos com escoamento laminar não ideal em trocadores bitubulares. / Residence time distribution and lethality in the continuous thermal processing of liquids with non ideal laminar flow in bitubular exchangers.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Tubular heat exchangers are widely used for thermal processing of viscous liquid foods because they have larger hydraulic diameters than the plate heat exchangers. The calculation of lethality in this type of exchanger is directly related to velocity profile and the residence time distribution (RTD). For the laminar flow of viscous fluids, Newtonian and non-Newtonian, generally laminar and power law velocity profiles are used, respectively. However, some features of the equipment as irregularities in the pipe, the corrugation of the pipe or the presence of curves can change the ideal velocity profile. This ideality deviation can be characterized through the experimental determination of the residence time distribution of the process. The aim of this work was the experimental determination of the RTD of a viscous fluid in a bitubular thermal processing equipment and the determination of the associated velocity profile. Classic models of RTD were fitted to the data, as well as were proposed and tested new generalized models of RTD, in order to characterize the non ideal laminar flow in tubes. The experimental determination of RTD was performed to volumetric flow rates between 10 and 50 L/h using water, carboximeticelulose solution 1,0% (pseudoplastic) and glycerin/water mixture 80%. The RTD data were obtained through two techniques: conductimetric and colorimetric. The first technique is based on injection of saturated solution of sodium chloride and online detection with a conductivimeter however, unsatisfactory results showed that the method was not suitable for viscous fluids. The second technique is based on the injection of dye and subsequent detection with a spectrophotometer. The best fitted models to the experimental data for the three studied fluids were: ylaminar and exponential generalized models. The lethality was calculated from the temperature distribution in the heat exchanger at steady state and average residence time obtained experimentally and allowed the evaluation of the overprocessing of this process.


distribuição do tempo de residência escoamento laminar laminar flow letalidade lethality processamento térmico residence time distribution thermal processing

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