Distribuição das fibras colágenas e do sistema de fibras elásticas na camada superficial da lâmina própria da prega vocal com edema de Reinke / Distribution of collagen fibers and elastic system fibers in the superficial layer of the lamina propria of the vocal fold with Reinkes edema
Flavio Akira Sakae
The physiopathological mechanisms underlying Reinkes edema are still unknown and few studies addressed alterations in the fibrillar proteins, collagen and elastin, in extracellular matrix with Reinkes edema. This study was idealized to describe the distribution of collagen fibers and elastic system fibers in Reinkes space with Reinkes edema, comparing with normal vocal fold and with the severity of Reinkes edema. Twenty surgical vocal fold specimens were obtained from patients with Reinkes edema, nine cases presented grade II severity and 11 cases grade III. Seventeen subjects were females and three were males, ranging in age from 47 to 62 years (mean±SD 55 ± 4.4 years). Fifteen patients were smokers and five ex-smokers, mean±SD of 22 ± 10.7 pack-years. The duration of dysphonia ranged from 6 to 60 months (mean of 36 ± 16.6 months). Ten vocal folds from human larynges of nonsmokers cadavers were used as normal controls. The Picrosirius polarization method and the Weigerts resorcin-fuchsin stain after oxidation with 10% aqueous oxone were used for visualization of collagen fibers and the elastic system fibers, respectively. Findings were categorized semiquantitatively and correlated with age, cigarette smoking, duration of dysphonia and Reinkes edema severity. The intertwined network of collagen fibers resembling a wicker-basket found in normal vocal folds was disarranged in Reinkes edema. Disarrangement of collagen fibers was characterized by loosely arranged and fragmented fibers intermixed with varying amounts of myxoid stroma. All cases showed a better preservation of collagen fibers arrangement closer to the epithelium compared to fibers of the deeper of the Reinkes space. The elastic system fibers arrangement formed by a delicate network of thin and undulated fibers arranged in parallel to the epithelial basement membrane and a network of thinner fibers immediately below the basement membrane was disarranged. The semiquantitatively analysis showed that moderate and large areas of disarrangement of collagen fibers were found in 90% of cases and in all cases for elastic fibers. Age was significantly correlated with collagen fiber disarrangement (r=0.47, p=0.037). There was a statistical difference in collagen disarrangement (p = 0,007) and age (p=0,036) between grade II and grade III severity. In our study, the alterations in the fibrillar proteins observed in Reinkes edema may contribute to the vocal fold deformity
cordas vocais mucous membran edema laríngeo elastic tissue vocal cords membrana mucosa collagen laryngeal edema colágeno tecido elástico
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