DistÃrbios articulatÃrios compensatÃrios em adolescentes portadores de fissura lÃbiopalatina, pÃs-palatoplastia




Introduction: The patient with cleft lip and palate have speech disorders called compensatory articulation disorder that intervene in the speech intelligibility. Objective: Review the literature about epidemiologic, etiologic, production and disorders speech of the cleft lip and palate and identify the compensatory articulation disorder in adolescents that living in adolescents submitted to palatoplasty, resident in the state of Pernambuco in NADEFI. Methods: In the review were utilized books, dissertation, theses and articles indexed in Medline, Scielo, Lilacs, and Cochrane Library. In the original article was made a cross-study in a initial cohort with 186 patients submitted a palatoplasty, in NADEFI, where was realized interviews standardized had information of socioeconomics and demographic conditions, type of cleft during April and August of 2005. Age of the primary palatoplasty was acquired through of the patientâs handbook. Realized analysis and videofluoroscopy for analysis the velopharyngeal mechanism during speech through lateral view. Results:The occurrence of the compensatory articulation disorders (CAD) in adolescents were 56,7%, beinig more frequent the glottal of glote (44,4%), coarticulations (22,2%) and pharyngeal fricative (27,8%). The phonems with high alteraction were : /p/, /t/, /k/, /f/, /s/ e /~s/. The adolescents who living in the cities near of recife city the CAD was 2,39 times frequent when compared with the adolescents that live in Recife city. Adolescents whose mothers had 4 years of education also presented 2,1 times more CAD when compared with the whose mothers had nine or more years of education. The major occurrence of CAD and intelligilible speech were identified in adolescents who realized the palatoplastic primary after four years old, had insufficiency velopharyngeal and resonance disorder, data statistically significant. Conclusions: Adolescents whose mothers had better level of education, were submitted palatoplastic primary early, adequance of the resonance and present disorder only two phonems presented intelligible speech better.


cleft palate speech disorder distÃrbios da fala fissura palatina linguagem insuficiÃncia velofarÃngea velopharyngeal insufficiency pediatria language

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