Discurso e midia: o mote do desarmamento em Veja e Istoe / Discourse and media: the moat of disarmament at Veja and Isto




This research presents a study whose proposal is to discuss and examine different discursive and ideological speeches on Veja and Istoe (on disarmament-2005), focusing on the balance of power about the media speech, as well as how to detect the subject-journalist inside an order, discursive strategies used to establish several truths of a single fact. This is a qualitative research conducted by magazines as Veja and Istoe. Therefore, we theoretical assumptions to the Analysis of the Speech, derived from the line of Michel Pecheux(1994), Foucault (2005) and some scholars of the media, such as: Bucci (2004), Charadeau (2006)), Hernandes (2004), among others. With regard to the collection and the corpus, selected reports printed on the referendum of weapons, served by magazines in the period of July 2005 to December of the same year, a total of ten reports, including some clippings of the section Letters. The dissertation was divided into three chapters. At first, we delimited and explicited some theoretical concepts developed throughout the work. A brief retrospect of the history of the journalism, magazines, as well as the role that the media, particularly the print carries in contemporary society, and a study of the journals Veja and Istoe: its publications and profiles were made in the chapter two. Here also, a cut of the Statute of Disarmament, with emphasis to the article 35. Finally, the third chapter, we performed the analysis checked. The methodological procedure itself of AD was adopted: combining the theory to the practice, a movement in which the corpus in analysis and theory are always in touch. Thus, from journalistic texts we analyze how different senses are instituted in order to pass ideologies or interests and intervene in the decisions and the relationships of society. We believe that this research will allow greater exposure of the reader to the opacity of the text, interpreting the words of the speech of journalistic publications, so that they do not speak instead. In other words: it is noticeable that the reader interprets and not just read, seeking itself into the socio-historical-ideological position, in order to understand the meanings covered. They are opaque and obscure paths that can be revealed by Analysis of the bias of Speech.


journalistic discourse desarmamento analysis of the speech disarmament linguistica analise do discurso discurso jornalistico

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