Discurso de presidente : a construção de uma imagem de lingua politica ideal / President s discourse : the construction of an image of ideal political language




Based on the Discourse Analysis from a materialistic perspective, we have studied the discursive construction of an image of an ideal political enunciation/ language to the social place of a President. With this purpose, we have studied the Presidents discourses from 1995 to 2008, that is, the government of the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and the former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso. We have analyzed the discursive configurations of these Presidents in order to see the constitution of two distinct discursive formations. These formations work like sense matrix of what we have called Fernando Henrique s discourse (or DFH) and Lula s discourse (or DL). We have observed two different ways to enunciate from the president s place, what we can say, according to Guilhaumou, that configures different political languages. According to this author, we have analyzed the DFH in a metaphorical process, that is, the representer replace the represented ones. In this configuration, we say that the representer is projected as a leader. Following these arguments, we have analyzed the DL in a metonymical process, where the representer continues the people s language. This is possible once the representer is projected like part of the group from whom he is detached to represent. Observing that we have two different ways to enunciate from the same place, president s social place, we can say that we have different political languages working. After those analyzes, we have analyzed the media s discourse, as well, that is, the way the great media puts in circulation the president s discourses. We did so because the discourses are in the society mediated by the media. To do so, we analyze a week magazine, Veja, and a newspaper, Folha de São Paulo. By analyzing the way the media make the president s discourses in circulation we observe that the DL is projected like unappropriated. This works in order to show that there is an appropriated way to enunciate from the president s social place. By seeing the constant comparison between DFH and DL, we have seen that the appropriated way is by discourse formation of the DFH, that is, by configuring the representer and represented ones by constitutional categories, respectively as leader and citizens, electors. We have concluded that unlike the French revolutionizers who wanted to impute equivalence between political language and people s language, in the Brazilian contemporary political discourse the image of an appropriate enunciation is the dissociation between these two ways of enunciate


fernando henrique silva discursos politicos political discourse análise do discurso luis inacio lula da discourse analysis cardoso lingua portuguesa - analise do discurso political language

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