Disciplinas introdutorias de astronomia nos cursos superiores do Brasil




The goal of this work is to present an overview of undergraduate courses, specifically those with specific introductory disciplines with astronomy contento in Brazilian higher education institutions (IES). A study is made of the development of astronomy in higher educational institutions in Brazil, the aspects of Introductory Astronomy, with regard to the types of disciplines, its objectives and syllabuses. The research was done in 1997 and 1998. A covering letter, questionnaire, and stamped envelope, was sent for some 620 courses throughout Brazil. These courses, which potentially teach specific disciplines of astronomy, were identified in publications by the Ministry of Education (MEC). For each course, the total . number of questionnaires sent and answered are shown. There were S4 courses identified, in a total of 60 disciplines, and distributed among 46 IES. The IES are identified, along with the names of the disciplines offered by them, an indication of which disciplines are compulsory and which are optional, and the number of credit hours of each discipline. The courses chosen were distributed according to the various geographic regions of the country, and IES according to their administrative dependency and nature. Analyses and discussions are presented about the contents of the disciplines as outlined in the syllabuses. The disciplines of cartography, land surveying and meteorology courses were examined according to criteria detined by the MEC. This procedure allows verification ofthe degree to which the various topics are followed, as well as which topics are added. For the disciplines of science, geography, geology and mathematics courses, a c1assification by topics is sought: history and subject, positional astronomy, instruments, Sun-Earth-Moon system, solar system, stars, galaxies, cosmology, sky and constellation, time and calendar, celestial mechanics, astrophysics, and teaching. This work tries to c1assify and analyse groups of similar contento It concludes that the biggest group is characterized by a large, although not comprehensive, breadth oftopics. It also analyzes the academic staff according the following categories: sex, age, academic degree, and experience in teaching their discipline in the IES. Furthermore, it evaluates the teaching materials and practical activities used in the disciplines


ensino superior - brasil astronomia

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