Direitos sociais e ações coletivas nas múltiplas escalas entre o local e o global: a luta pela moradia no municípios de Rio Grande/RS




The theme chosen refers to new social movements which appeared as forms of resistance to the globalization process in local public environments, especially in the city of Rio Grande/RS, in the so-called portuary expansion zone. In this present paper, the importance of these urban movements as transforming agents of these social realities will be analyzed, given the inefficiency of the state power to propose alternatives which aim at recuperating the dignity and the citizenship of communities found under the power of the capitalist system. The case study refers to systematic placements, which have happened since the 2000s and still happen in suburbs and areas bordering the Rio Grande port. It has been observed that, initially, the popular demands were not responded properly, as there was no planning for these placements nor a project to be presented to the affected communities, although after many protests from the inhabitants such reality was modified. In this dissertation, the matter of public space and the subjects involved within the context will also be discussed, approaching local topics as well as the identity of individuals who are members of such organizations, considering the changes occurred in the last decade, when the globalization process has been accelerated.


portuary expansion zone identity movimentos sociais redes sociais social movements resistência sociologia políticas públicas resistance urbanization zona de expansão portuária globalization social networks identidade urbanização globalização public policies

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