Direito de superfície à luz da função social da propriedade e do direito à moradia




There is some time that we find news on invasions of rural and urban areas. Both situations are based in the search for lands or home. Statistics point out that exists an immense dismantled population of those goods, what results in the growth of social movements that try to impose changes in their factual reality, struggling for a necessary minimum that guarantees a life with dignity. In the opposite sense of that reality is the Federal Constitution, source of validity of our juridical ordering, as can be verified in its first article, where is inserted the human persons dignity as one of its central pillars, something that will only be minimally reached in the case that some of the inherent rights of the human being are guaranteed, among them the right to the home. Under that backdrop, the right of surface reappered in our legislation, both in the Statute of the Town and in the current Civil Code. The norms that compose the Statute of the Town and regulate the articles 182 and 183 of the Fundamental Law have for purpose to order the full development of the social functions of the town and to guarantee its inhabitants well-being. The surface right is inserted in that diploma as one of the instruments to accomplish that urban politics. In this context, this dissertation studies the surface right, interpreted under the light of the social function of the property and of the right to the home, having as central focus the urban property. It develops the elect theme under two slopes: in the first, it approaches the surface right, its historical origin, features and, in a brief way, it makes a comparative analysis with the legislations of other countries that adopted it; in a second moment, it treats the social function of the property and the right to the home, relating them, with special prominence of the urban property. Finally, it interlaces those two topics, seeking to infer the surface right is an instrument capable to execute the principle of the social function of the urban property and, as a consequence, the right to the home, generating and making possible its offer


propriedade -- brasil direito a moradia -- brasil função social da propriedade urban property surface direito de superfície moradia direito urban politics

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