Dinâmica de atuação dos stakeholders em atividades estratégicas: a experiência da secretaria de estado do turismo do Paraná.




In the past 46 years the term stakeholders has been defined and consequently studied with more emphasis. The current research tried to analyze the work of the stakeholders in the development of strategic activities of the Parana State Tourism Secretary SETU. For that, the following specific objectives were formulated: to describe the historical process of structuring the tourism sector in Parana State, as well its peculiarities; analyze the normative aspects related to the tourism sector in Parana State; identify the Parana State public gestor stakeholders organ and its characteristics; analyze the stakeholders participation in the political definition and strategies and propose a stakeholders analysis model to be used in the public tourism organs. A review has been conducted of the stakeholders theory describing its conceptual evolution and analysis of the used analysis models as to the development of the research; we have noticed the it is characterized by the appliance of an exploratory, qualitative research developed by a unique study case (SETU). According to SETU stakeholders are, we have noticed that those who are more relevant we identified in a list of 8 institutions belonging to the Parana Tourism Consultive Council: Tourism Federal Secretary, Sebrae, Parana Government, Fecomércio, Abav, Abih, Embratur, and Tourism Municipal Leaders., who can be considered key to conduct the SETU strategic objectives. We notice the SETU members clearly understand who the stakeholders are as well the resources they have. We conclude that the stakeholders actions with the SETU strategies and policy definitions happen via Tourism Consultive Council and its five Thematic Chambers. It was also verified that many of the Council members still have had little participation since its creation in 2003. We believe that from the work a conceptual stakeholder analysis model was proposed, in a processual perspective, to be used in tourism public organs. The stakeholder thematic is still little explored in Brazil and this is an exercise which contributes for its development.


teoria dos stakeholders stakeholders analysis administracao turismo, administração pública. stakeholders analysis stakeholders theory tourism, public administration.

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