Dilemas da transição : um estudo critico da obra de Lenin de 1917-1923 / Dilemmas of transition: a critical study of Lenin s work (1917-1923)




This research has as purpose to analyze and reconstruct Lenin?s reflexion about the socialist revolution in his work from 1917-1923, explaining critically his dilemmas and limitations. Lenin?s reflexion is divided into periods, in order to grasp his discourse in the effectiveness of its peculiar ontology and in its significant relation with the practical necessities, with which Lenin is confronted in the real dialectic of the attempt at beginning a process of socialist transformation of Russian social relations. This study intends firstly to contribute to the understanding of Lenin?s work. Secondly it aims at discussing the subject of transition to communism from a marxist perspective. We hope this work serves to reinforce the relevance of dealing with the subject of transition to communism, taking a stock of the historical experiences and essays of transition in the 20th century


socialism socialismo comunismo communism

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