Difusão da arquitetura neocolonial no interior paulista, 1920-1950 / Diffusion of architecture in neocolonial interior paulista, 1920-1950




This thesis investigates expressions of the neo-colonial architecture, in several cities within the State of São Paulo during the period of 1920 to 1950. The research takes into account the intellectual influence of Ricardo Severo in the rise of neo-colonial movement, nevertheless inspired by the portuguese cultural atmosphere. The diffusion of this architectural style is explored through private exemplars, such as homes, offices and shops along with institutional materializations; public and religious buildings, schools, social welfare bureaus and recreational facilities. The research reveals a link between the hinterland spread of this architecture, empowered by a symbolic drive, and the effort of professionals that were in contact with the intellectual debates taking place at the State capital. By analysing the construction licenses approved by Municipal Halls, we have verified that a significant part of the simplified and low standard production was made under certified professionalsresponsibility. In addition, we have expanded the investigation by data collected in museums and other institutions plus photographic surveys to record and analyse this architectonic production. This thesis represents a contribution to the comprehension of the neocolonial architecture outside the city of São Paulo.


arquitetura residencial são paulo s architecture-agriculture colleges arquitetura institucional arquitetura neocolonial escolas práticas de agricultura difusão arquitetura paulista architecture-agriculture colleges neo-colonial architecture arquitetura oficial institutional architecture public architecture

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