Dificuldades comunicativas percebidas por pais e/ou cuidadores de crianças do espectro do autismo: um questionário de levantamentos / Communication difficulties perceived by parents/caregivers of children of the autism spectrum: a survey questionnaire


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Communication disorders have been described in several studies as one of the first worries of autism spectrum children\ s parents and also as a diagnostic and therapeutic intervention parameter. The aim of this study was to, based on the perception of parents and caregivers, understand the relevant variables of the communication difficulties they undergo. It is considered that their interpretation and attitudes towards the child\ s behavior and also towards other people\ s behavior influences the communication processes. The questionnaire that was used involves fundamental aspects of the interpersonal relationship in the communicative as well as in the social domain. It has 24 multiple choice questions about four domains (parents\ impressions about themselves, about other people and about their children and parent\ s attitudes about their children) and one open question. In this study the questionnaire was applied to a great number of parents and caregivers from different regions of Brazil and the social-demographic variables considered were child\ s age and position among peers; parents\ or caregivers\ age and educational level. The results were statistically analyzed and show that generally the social demographic data are not related to the presented answers. In what refer to the domains, the parents/caregivers impressions about other people\ s reactions to their children\ s behavior produced most of the reported difficulties. Three specific questions are highlighted as the ones with the largest agreement rates: they refer to the difficulties to communicate with other people, the dyad\ s communication habits and worries about the future and lack of information about the issue. The data analysis allowed the identification of recurrent difficulties pointed out by parents/caregivers. The speech-language pathologist should use this information and, at the same time consider aspects that are individual and peculiar to each dyad during the orientation processes.


austistic disorder autismo infantil communication communication sciences and disorders comunicação fonoaudiologia pais parents questionários questionnaires

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