Differentiation of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 8 strains: evaluation of three additional phage typing systems, plasmid profiles, antibiotic susceptibility patterns, and biotyping.


Three additional phage typing systems for Salmonella enteritidis, plasmid analysis, biochemical tests, and antimicrobial susceptibility tests, were used in an attempt to subdivide 30 phage type 8 (phage typing system used by the WHO International Center for Enteric Phage Typing, London, England) isolates. These isolates represented 18 different egg-related outbreaks (21 strains) and 9 reference strains or strains that were not egg-associated. Only 7 of the 30 strains (28%) were subdivided by one or more of the methods used; this included 3 of the 21 strains from egg-related outbreaks. Twenty-seven strains contained a 55-kb plasmid that is associated with S. enteritidis. Of 65 additional phages tested, 2 from the phage typing system obtained from the Pasteur Institute, Paris, France, were useful in differentiating the three strains that lacked the 55-kb plasmid. Although the results obtained for the 21 strains from egg-related outbreaks showed that the strains had minor phenotypic differences, the overall results suggested that the strains may represent a single clone. Studies are planned to test additional phages and other typing methods to see whether strains of phage type 8 can be further differentiated.

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