Differential Effects of PACAP-38 on Synaptic Responses in Rat Hippocampal CA1 Region


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press


Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP-38) is a member of the vasointestinal polypeptide (VIP)/secretin/glucagon family of neuropeptides for which neuroregulatory functions have been postulated. PACAP-38 receptors are expressed in different brain regions, including hippocampus. In this study, we examined the dose-dependent effects of PACAP-38 on the excitatory postsynaptic field potential (fEPSP) evoked at the Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapse in rat hippocampal slices. Bath application of low dose (0.05 nM) of PACAP-38 induced long-lasting facilitation of the fEPSP. This enhancement was blocked by the cholinergic receptor antagonist atropine and partially by the NMDA receptor antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (APV) and therefore, shares a common mechanism with LTP. In contrast, a high dose (1 μM) of PACAP-38 induced a persistent depression of the fEPSP that was not blocked by antagonists of cholinergic receptors (i.e., atropine and mecamylamine), adenosine receptors (i.e., DCPCX), or glutamatergic NMDA receptors (APV). Intermediate doses (0.1–0.5 μM) of PACAP-38 produced an initial decrease of the fEPSP followed by an enhancement. This decrease was not blocked by atropine whereas the facilitation was. These results show that PACAP-38 modulates CA1 synaptic transmission in a dose-dependent manner and that the peptide interacts with cholinergic and glutamatergic systems.

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