Differential effect of neuropeptide-Y on membrane potential of cells in renal arterioles of the hydronephrotic mouse.


1. The effects of neuropeptide-Y (NPY) on the membrane potential of vascular smooth muscle cells were studied in renal arterioles of hydronephrotic mouse kidneys. 2. Kidney vessels are only weakly coupled with length constants of less than 10 microns and are most probably 'multiunit' vessels. 3. The vasoconstrictor peptide NPY reversibly depolarizes only smooth muscle cells in arterioles at distances greater than 200 microns from the glomerulus, whereas no changes of the membrane potential can be evoked close to the glomerulus (distance less than 50 microns). 4. The depolarizations, when present, are dose dependent. 5. Regardless of distance from the glomerulus cells respond uniformly to application of the vasoconstrictor angiotensin II.

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