Differences in snRNP localization between transformed and nontransformed cells.


We have examined the localization of snRNPs in a variety of mammalian cells and have observed differences in the organization of these factors in transformed cells, immortal cells, and cells of defined passage number. Cells of defined passage number exhibit a speckled staining pattern after immunolabeling with anti-Sm, anti-B'', or anti-m3G antibodies. Furthermore, 2-3% of the cells, in a given population, exhibit labeling of 1 or 2 round coiled bodies in addition to the speckled-labeling pattern. However, transformed cells exhibited 1-4 intensely stained coiled bodies, in 81-99% of the cells, in addition to the speckled-labeling pattern. Immortal cells exhibited 1-4 intensely stained smaller coiled bodies in 4-40% of the cells, in addition to the speckled-labeling pattern. When immortal cells (REF-52) that had been transformed by adenovirus (REF-52Ad5.4) were examined, these cells exhibited an increase in the percentage of cells containing 1 or 2 intensely stained coiled bodies, in addition to the speckled labeling, from 24 to 99%. On the basis of this study, we conclude that the organization of snRNPs within the mammalian cell nucleus is a reflection of the physiology of the cell that may change upon transformation or immortalization.

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