Diferentes olhares em relação a uma criança com multiplos diagnosticos : estabilidade ou possibilidade de mudança? / Different looks for a chld with multiple diagnoses : stability or possibility of change?




The professional practice directed to children with organic problems and unfavorable prognosis deserves attention, for being directly related to the psychological development of the child. It is presented the case study of a child with diagnoses of organic problems and behavioral complaints, characterized as agitated and aggressive. It was analyzed the participation of the child, during three years, in a project of intervention in groups, with focus on modes of participation and peer interaction. The analysis allowed the identification of competencies and cooperative modalities of participation, which became more diversified and complex during the period of observation. With this study, it was possible to take a wider perspective of the possibilities and difficulties of the child, suggesting broader analyses of the development of children with multiple developmental complaints. This work emphasizes the relevance of the perception of the Other in the building of the child s identity, because it this sight that will lead the children to stability or to make possible for her to change


crianças - desenvolvimento children disability interação social deficientes - aspectos sociais development interpersonal relations social aspects

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