Dietary and nutritional risk for work accidents in the city of Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, Brasil / Riscos alimentares e nutricionais para acidentes do trabalho em Piracicaba - SP, Brasil




Work accidents are a relevant public health problem. The objective of this study was to verify if dietary and nutritional variables constitute risk for work accidents in the city of Piracicaba, upstate São Paulo state. A case-control study was done in the Centro de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, from May to October 2004. The cases consisted of 600 typically injured workers aging from 15 to 60 years and the controls were 882 individuals with the same age range, either workers who were injured but not at work or those who accompanied the injured workers. A multiple logistic regression model was adjusted using as variable work accident and as predicting variables dietary habits, weight gain or loss in the last 12 months and nutritional status. The nutritional variables were controlled by the socioeconomic and occupational variables. The associations were assessed by odds ratio (OR) with a significance level of 5% (p<0.05). On average, 47.29% of the workers were either overweight or obese. Education level is a protecting factor against accidents (OR=0.91 p<0.0001), but working in mixed shifts (OR=2.07, p=0.0229), alternating shifts (OR=1.99 p=0.0464) and doing too much effort (OR=1.37 p=0.0087) increase risks. Having lunch at the workplace increases accident risk (OR=1.57 p=0.0001). The Programa de Alimentação do Trabalhador (Worker Food Program) benefits 84% of the workers, however, those who receive food basket (OR=1.30 p=0.0414) and food stamps (OR=1.39 p=0.0035) are at increased risk for accidents. Our findings suggest a correlation between eating habits and work accidents, so it is necessary to incorporate these aspects in the health surveillance of the workers


fatores de risco risk factors acidentes de trabalho analytic studies foods habits habitos alimentares epidemiologia analitica programas e politicas de nutrição e alimentação occupational accidents nutrition programmes and policies

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