Dieta, padrão de atividades e area de vida de Alouatta belzebul discolor (Primates, Atelidae) em Paranaita, norte de Mato Grosso




This study treats the feeding ecology of a group of seven to nine red-handed howlers (Alouatta belzebul discolor) in primary forest ITom the northem Mato Grosso State, southem Amazon. Another species of howler monkey is reported for the area, Alouatta seniculus, and their interactions described. Diet, activity pattems, day range and home range in A. b. discolor were investigated through instantaneous scan sampling over 10 months between October 1999 and October 2000. During 45 complete days, howlers fed on 67 plant species (N=2039 feeding registers) ITom 24 families. Dia/ium guianense (Leg. Caesalpinioideae) was the most used species. Its fTuits were the most consumed plant part (55.0%), followed by new leaves (19.8%) and flowers (5.7%). Mature leaves formed only a small proportion (5.0%) of the diet. Bark, live wood, dead wood and woody branches all together comprised 10.2% ofthe diet. During the study period, the group spent 58.7% ofits time sleeping, 20.0% feeding, 14.2% traveling, 4.0% moving inside trees, and 2.1 % in social interactions. There were no significant differences in time budget between the rainy and the dry season. Activity budgets along the day differed between seasons. In the rainy season, there were fewer activity peaks, and retreat to the sleeping place occurred earlier than in the dry season. Home range, calculated using a superimposed grid, was 50.1 ha. Howlers used all three habitat types: 23 ha upland forest, 4 ha palm forest, and 23.1 ha floodplain forest. The convex polygon method gave a home range of 63.2 ha. Home ranges larger than those reported have only been observed in Central American species. Average day range was 761 m (N = 45) and did not differ significantly among seasons. Dia/ium guianense fTuits were abundant during the dry season, and their intensive use contributed to the absence of significant seasonal variations in fTuit consumption, activity pattem and day range


dietas mamifero - ecologia primatas - ecologia

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