Diálogos culturais no Banco do Brasil /Regional MG: uma abordagem psicossociológica




This study analyzes the way as the changes are being processed in a modern organization, as it is the case of the Bank of Brazil, and if this company would be very different from the society where is formed. The individuals that are part of an organization, they cannot be seen separately, because they cant be removed of the social field and of the dynamics of the existent institutions. The bows that the individuals develop in your relationships with the organizations are more than simply economical; they are permeated of affections and, therefore, they are also of psychological nature. To mark that interdisciplinary, this work it will establish the connection among the several disciplines, delimited territories and the exchange possibilities. The individual is the builder of bridges among knowledge areas and he is the own bridge, when he interacts with other specialists, making possible the net work of knowledge. To cross from an area to the other is a complex challenge; it implicates search and risks, therefore, daring. This requests an act of change, present in thinking and in acting. For those reasons, the studies that just consider economical and administrative aspects in your majority, they need to be associated to the Psychology. It is in this sense, that we intend to analyze the way like Psychosociology can contribute to give a larger visibility to the studies on organizational culture and work, particularly in the Bank of Brazil particularly in state of Minas Gerais, in way to make possible to understand which are the processes that the individuals use in the understanding of your identity and how they are transforming the culture in the work relationships.


cultura organizacional teses. psicologia teses. banco do brasil teses. psicologia social teses.

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