Diagnóstico em atendimento psicoterapêutico a religiosos: prevalências psicossexuais




The object of this research is a group of priest and seminarians of the Catholic church in São Paulo (Brazil). 149 subjects are taken in this research. They were all under psychoterapic care of 12 experts in psychoterapy. All those twelve experts where individually interviewed about their clinical judgment on the psychological diagnostic of the subjects. For this purpose the group of subjects where reduced to 48 subjects(25 priests and 23 seminarians). At this point of the research the main objective was the clarification of the diagnostic of the 48 cases under study.A extense research work was undertaken in the cases files of all the subjects and the attention was concentrated in the psychosexual aspects of the subjects behaviour, because the incidence of this kind of behaviour was predominant.For this purpose the DSM IV TR of the American Psychiatry Association was taken as the main reference for the classification of the cases.The CID 10 was also taken under consideration. From a theoretical viewpoint, the concept of diagnostic was of psychoanalitic and psychodinamic nature. Two other main connections were made in order to explain the psychosocial condition of the subjects: first a connetion with the religiosity and, second, a connection with the psychosexual development of the subjects


clero -- aconselhamento dsm iv e psicoterapia amadurecimento psicossexual aconselhamento social diagnóstico prevalências psicossexuais teologia dsm iv and psychotherapy psicoterapia psychotherapy with priests psicoterapia de clérigos prevalence psychosexual diagnostic clero -- psicologia

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