Diagnóstico do uso da água e necessidade de formação de capacidades no meio rural nas regiões administrativas do Brasil / Diagnostic of water use and need for skills training in rural areas of Brazilian administrative regions


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Brazilian territory holds the largest fresh water reserves in the world, around 12% of the total amount available. However, this is not enough to say that there is no water scarcity in this country. Most part of the streams, approximately 80%, are located in the Amazon region, which only 5% of the Brazilian population resides. Therefore, even with high water potential, there still have water use conflicts in several regions of Brazil. The water use in rural areas represents a little more than 50% of total withdrawal of streams. Concerning to the water consumption in rural areas (irrigation and livestock), it exceeds 80% of total withdrawal. Thus, to take the first step in performing an action of manager or implementing skills training projects is crucial to understand the perception of water users in rural areas, as well how that use is made. To achieve this goal, it was used as a research instrument a questionnaire subdivided into main topics. The questionnaire responses were organized by administrative region, and bring the peculiarities of each region. In order to collect more data and to evaluate the results obtained so far, it was carrying out a national workshop with representatives from each administrative region of Brazil. As conclusions, it can be draw that Brazil is a heterogeneous country in a broad sense, and this heterogeneity is also perceived in terms of water management. Despite water resources management, great advances have been made in this regard; however, there still have a lack of people qualified to work with this issue and users aware of their responsibility. Consequently, while the paradigm of water abundance was not broken, there will always be a great challenge to be overcome in water resource manage in Brazil.


capacitação rural extensão rural gestão dos recursos hídricos rural extension rural training water resources water resources management

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