Diagnóstico de captação e perfil de qualidade do leite produzido em Bambuí, Córrego Dantas e na microrregião de Bom Despacho, Mesorregião Central Mineira




The objective of the following project is to describe the milk production with respect of somatic cell count, total bacterial count and composition, as well as to characterize the profile of capturing firms that operate in Bambuí, Córrego Dantas and another nine cities on mesoregion Central Mineira, Brazil. There are 715 dairy farms distributed in 11 cities of this region, with a production of 348.835 liters of milk per day. However, in the detailed region 629 producers provide 339.405 liters of daily milk to the main capturing firms in the area. The remainder is provided to small dairy shops or local producers who utilize it for production in their own property. Out of the capturing firms, companies B, F, D and C outstand with respectively, 48.3%, 12.1%, 11.4% and 9.1% of total daily milk, and 36.1%, 19.6%, 9.2% and 10.8% of the 629 suppliers that deliver milk to the main companies. The four companies that capture milk most efficiently in the region are A, B, D and E with 1787.5, 742.4, 685.5 and 490.0 L/supplier in that order. The grades of fat, protein, lactose, total solids and non-fat dry extract presented values within the limits established by IN-51 of 2002, in all regions and specific bands of production. The numbers of somatic cells count were also within the limit enforced by IN-51. With growing trends along the months throughout the region, in ten out of eleven regions, the average of TBC exceeded the limit imposed by IN-51 and the producers with daily volumes above 500L/day were the ones who obtained the highest numbers


veterinária teses leite qualidade teses leite análise teses leite composição teses leite produção teses

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