Diacetyl, Acetoin, and Acetaldehyde Production by Mixed-Species Lactic Starter Cultures


Citrate utilization and acetoin, diacetyl, acetaldehyde, and lactic acid production in milk at 21 C by five different mixed-strain starters, containing Streptococcus diacetilactis (D type), Leuconostoc (B type), and S. diacetilactis and Leuconostoc (BD type), were measured. BD and D cultures utilized citrate more rapidly and produced more diacetyl, acetoin, and acetaldehyde than B types. All cultures produced much more acetoin than diacetyl, with the BD and D cultures producing four to five times larger amounts of acetoin than the B cultures. Reduction of diacetyl and acetoin toward the end of the normal incubation period was characteristic of BD and D cultures, whereas a similar reduction of acetaldehyde was characteristic of BD and especially of B cultures. Continued incubation of B cultures beyond 17 h also resulted in reduction of diacetyl and acetoin. Addition of citrate to the milk retarded diacetyl and acetoin reduction. Mn2+ had no effect on diacetyl production by a BD culture but increased citrate utilization and, as a consequence, caused greater diacetyl destruction in one of the B cultures.

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