Dez peças para quinteto de sopros de György Ligeti: a gradação como uma ferramenta para a construção do discurso musical / Dez peças para quinteto de sopros de György Ligeti: a gradação como uma ferramenta para a construção do discurso musical




The main goal of this dissertation is to describe the gradual processes used by György Ligeti in its work Ten pieces for wind quintet (1968). Through this description we try to put in evidence the gradual processes as an important tool in the construction of the Ten pieces language. The analysis of the Ten pieces considers different parameters or aspects of the composition: melodic motion, harmony, timbre, density, rhythmic structure. We also observe minimal transformations of materials, movements of pitches by proximity or contiguity and treatment of different elements by addition. This study demonstrates that the procedure of progressive transformations is not used by Ligeti in a linear form. The gradual processes must be understood in a flexible way. The motion generated by literal gradual steps exist, but generally they are part of a process that attempts to dissimulate this linearity.


györgy ligeti transformações progressivas gradual process variações mínimas dez peças para quinteto de sopros ten pieces for wind quintet minimal variations gradação györgy ligeti progressive transformations

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