Deviations of Genotypic Structures from Hardy-Weinberg Proportions under Random Mating and Differential Selection between the Sexes


Population genetic models, such as differential viability selection between the sexes and differential multiplicative fecundity contributions of the sexes, are considered for a single multiallelic locus. These selection models usually produce deviations of the zygotic genotype frequencies from Hardy-Weinberg proportions. The deviations are investigated (with special emphasis put on equilibrium states) to quantify the effect of selective asymmetry in the two sexes. For many selection regimes, the present results demonstrate a strong affinity of zygotic genotype frequencies for Hardy-Weinberg proportions after two generations, at the latest. It is shown that the deviations of genotypic equilibria from the corresponding Hardy-Weinberg proportions can be expressed and estimated by means of selection components of only that sex with the lower selection intensity. This corresponds to the well-known fact that viability selection acting in only one sex yields Hardy-Weinberg equilibria.

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