Development of techniques based on complex networks for extractive text summarization / Desenvolvimento de técnicas baseadas em redes complexas para sumarização extrativa de textos




Automatic Text Summarization has considerably importance in tasks such as finding and using relevant content in the enormous amount of information available nowadays in digital media. The focus in this field is on the development of techniques that allow someone to obtain the most relevant content of documents, in a condensed way, preserving the original meaning and with little (or even none) human help. The purpose of this MSc project was to investigate a way of applying concepts borrowed from the studies of Complex Networks to the Automatic Text Summarization field, specifically to the task of extractive summarization. Although the majority of works in summarization have focused on extractive techniques, it is still possible to obtain better levels of informativity in extracts automatically generated. In this work, texts were represented as networks, from which the most significant sentences were selected through the use of ranking algorithms. Such networks are obtained from a text in the following manner: the sentences are represented as nodes, and an edge between two nodes is created if there is at least one repetition of a noun in both sentences, after the lemmatization step. Measurements typically employed in the characterization of complex networks, such as clustering coefficient, hierarchical degree and locality index, were used on the basis of the process of node (sentence) selection in order to build an extract. Each summarization technique proposed was applied to the TeMário corpus, which comprises newspaper articles in Portuguese, and to the DUC corpora, which comprises newspaper articles in English. Four evaluation experiments were carried out, by means of automatic evaluation measurements (Rouge-1 and sentence Precision/Recall) and comparison with the results obtained by other extractive summarization systems. The best summarizers are the ones based on the following concepts: d-ring, degree, k-core and shortest path. Performances comparable to the best summarization systems for Portuguese were achieved, whilst the results are less significant for English.


automatic summarization sumarização automática redes complexas inteligência artificial natural language processing artificial intelligence complex networks processamento de línguas naturais

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