Development of software for studies of precipitation using radars and satellite / Desenvolvimento de software para estudos de precipitação usando radares e satélites




The joint analysis of meteorological satellite and radar images is performed in order to correlate the precipitation structures observed in both images. The study of such correlation allows the extension of the radar range. This task is currently performed by hand, in a non systematical way, making use of several computer programs. This work presents the Radar-Satellite Image Analysis System (RSIAS), a software that partially automates this process dealing with different image formats, projections and coordinate systems. This software implements a recently proposed approach that allows a better correlation of such images. Therefore, it is intended to make feasible the joint analysis of radar and satellite images for a large number of precipitation events.


agrupamento satélites meteorológicos radares meteorológicos c++(linguagem de programação) processamento de imagens image processing meteorological satellites c++(programming language) collating

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