Development of software for auditory training and application in children with dyslexia / Desenvolvimento de software para treinamento auditivo e aplicação em crianças com dislexia




INTRODUCTION: Based on the hypothesis that reading disorders can be caused by an alteration of the temporal auditory processing (TAP), computadorized auditory training programs are used as a rehabilitation method in children with dyslexia. However, there are some controversies about the influence of this kind of treatment in reading abilities. AIM: to develop and administer a computadorized auditory training program as also as analyze its efficacy in children with dyslexia; through a comparison of the performances obtained in reading, in phonological awareness and in TAP tests conducted before and after the use of the program. METHODS: the software developed presented two games with non-verbal and verbal (expanded speech) stimuli. Training was conducted in each participants home during two months, five times a week. Efficacy was analyzed through two studies. In the first one the performance of the experimental group (trained) in reading, phonological awareness and TAP tests, pre and post-training, was compared with the performance of the control group (non trained) for the same tests conducted in the same period. Both groups were constituted by children with dyslexia with age range between 7 and 14 years old, being 12 of the experimental group and 28 of the control group. In study 2, the performance of the experimental group (18 children with dyslexia) in the same tests conducted in study 1 was compared in three circumstances: Two months before the beginning of treatment, at the beginning of treatment and at the end of treatment. RESULTS: In study 1 there was significant improvement of the experimental group compared to the control group in relation to the performance of one phonological awareness ability (Syllabic Tasks; p=0.044) and in one TAP ability (Frequency pattern; 7 to 10 years old: p<0.001; 11 to 14 years old: p=0.018). In study 2 there was significant improvement of the experimental group, if compared to the control group, in one reading ability (Text Reading; p<0.001), one phonological awareness ability (Phonemic Tasks; p<0.001) and in both TAP abilities (Frequency pattern; p<0.001 and Duration; p=0.010). CONCLUSION: the software showed its efficacy for the auditory temporal training of the group, which was proved by the post-training improvement in this ability for the majority of the situations analyzed. Post-training performances regarding reading and phonological awareness tests put in question the hypothesis that relates TAP and reading, as far as improvement was only showed for some reading and phonological awareness abilities.


dyslexia child auditory perceptual disorders transtornos da percepção auditiva software software criança reabilitação rehabilitation dislexia

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