Development of an electronic device for attraction drops of the electrostatic spraying in citric plants / Desenvolvimento de sistema eletrônico para pulverização e atração de gotas em plantas cítricas




The technology of application of agricultural defensives in tree like plants and orchard plants in general way, still little is researched in Brazil. Ahead of requirements of the international market, the application technology must take care of some parameters that will give the credibility of the Brazilian products in the exterior market, as for the certification and traceability. With the globalization of good agricultural practices, Global Good Agricultural Practices (GLOBALGAP), demand it more criterion of the producers, of the social and sustainable points of view. The certification guarantees to the final consumer that the production was in accordance with sustainable norms, that is, use of pesticide, in accordance with preset norms, aiming to a lesser level of residues in the end items, mainly in the ones of consumption in natura. Already the traceability allows the consumer to know all the description and practical of production of the agriculturist, allowing, thus, to know how many sprayings had been carried through, the type of defensive and the dosage and volume of spray mixture used. The sprayings in fruitful plants are characterized by high volume of spray mixture for hectare, having increased the cost of production, the contamination of the workers and the ambient contamination. It is a process where the efficiency of the spraying and the effectiveness of control of the plagues and illnesses are on directly relation with the kind of spray used, being this the responsible one for the deposition of the drops, begin it a responsible for the asset in the interior of the canopy of plants. In this type of spraying, the majority of the drops does not penetrate in the canopy of the plants, had as impediment the external leaves. This work had as objective to develop an electrostatic spray and a device capable to increase the penetration of electrically loaded drops in the interior of the canopy of the plants. In the development of the electrostatic spray, it used as high-voltage source, A bobbin of an automobile ignition system to an electronic circuit fed by a 12 volts battery. With the highvoltage source installed in the spray, it was possible to get eight chains, with tensions varying of 4,2 and 12,8 kV, what allowed to reach values of relation load/mass of 0,3 mC kg-1 to 4,1 mc kg-1, in different outflows. For the development of the electronic device of attraction of drops, they had been distributed conducting metallic in the interior of the canopy of the plants, with the intention to attract the drops with electric loads. Water sensitive cards in the thirds superior, average and inferior, in three different depths of the canopy of the plant and carried through sprayings with and without load, and with the presence and absence of the device had been distributed. The efficiency of the electrostatic spraying and the device was based on the density of drops (drops cm-2) and on the covering (%). In all the studied conditions, the biggest density of drops and the biggest covering had been gotten in the external part of the canopy.


pulverizador eletrostático technology of application of agricultural defensives tecnologia de aplicação de defensivos maquinas e implementos agricolas electrostatic spray

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