Development of a reactor for growth of diamond tubular films / Desenvolvimento de um reator para o crescimento de filmes diamantiferos tubulares




A hot-filament chemical vapor deposition system was designed and built to grow diamond thin films. This system fed with ethanol highly diluted in hydrogen was employed to deposited diamond layers onto quartz tubes with diameters of 6 mm and length of 10 cm. High uniformity microcrystalline diamond films were obtained thanks the maintenance of the substrate in rotation during growth process. The rotation of the substrate was carried out by magnetic coupling of magnets positioned into support of the substrate and magnets mounted in the system held in rotation by a small electric motor outside of the reactor. The temperature of the substrates was measured inside of them during the growth process. The control of the temperature is useful to determine the type of material that is intended to synthesize: micro and nanodiamond, Diamond Like Carbon (DLC), amorphous carbon and so on. This work presents the results of these growths and their characterization by scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy


diamante artificial filmes finos thin films synthetic diamants chemical vapor deposition deposição quimica de vapor

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