Determinantes do padrão de inovação da industria de alimentos e bebidas no Estado de São Paulo entre os anos de 1994 a 1996




This dissertation searched to explore the main features of the technological innovation pattern in the Food and Beverage Industry. It considers the effects of the open-market and economic stabilization after the Real Plan. This research based on São Paulo State because its economics significance joined with the informations got ready. The “Pesquisa da Atividade Econômica Paulista” (PAEP) was the data base used because present a large-scale sample survey of innovation firms referring to 1994-1996 period. This study considered the firm size and origin group as important features of the innovation pattern. Thus, we observed that product and process innovation predominated in the industry studied, the size group of medium firms presented a reactive innovation conduct and the origin group of national and foreign firms executed a large number of innovations. Clients/costumers and competitors were the main sources of information for innovation while product quality improvement and increase in the market-share were the main objectives of innovation. The firm size was the feature more notable in the innovating conduct, with exception to the origin group of national and foreign firms where the origin group feature was more notable.


alimentos inovações tecnologicas bebidas

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