Determinantes da particiapação feminina no mercado de trabalho brasileiro




The main objective of this dissertation is to investigate the determinants of female labor market participation in Brazil and to discuss if womens choices are being constrained by barriers. At a first step, the main determinant characteristics of male and female decision to work are compared. It is verified that while the level of education and the presence of child are the most relevant determinants of the female decision, there are no relevant determinants of the male decision. It was also found that the existence of preschool nearby can affect positive and significatly the entrance of women in the labor market. These evidences suggest that domestic obligations might be the cause for higher female reservation wages and a lower female labor market participation. At a second step, it is investigated why poor women have an even lower labor market participation compared to rich women. Among other findings, it is relevant to say that to this group of women the level of education is more important, even the lower ones. Any increase of these womens level of education will contribute to increase their labor force. At a third step, it is analyzed the type of insertion in the labor market, considering both the kind of occupation and the job journey. More flexible occupations, such as self-employed or with smaller weekly journeys, contribute to an increase of the female labor force. Summarizing, in order to increase the female labor market participation the public policies must pay attention to the womens level of education (specially the poor ones), to the supply of preschools and to the existence of more flexible occupations to women.


economia participação feminina brasil mercado de trabalho

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